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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Music, Life, & Medication

Been going through stressful stuff, sure many would say partly my own fault. But its whatever, trying to look on bright side of things. My EDM music sure has helped me a lot. You just get to hear mostly beats, and the sound of that speaks to you, instead of some crappy lyrics someone wrote about drugs, love, lack of love, or money. I would be lost without this music. I cant wait till I can get out of Georgia though, need to get back down to the beach. I used to love waking up to the salt air, and sun. The sight of the water just chilled me out, which makes sense since I am a fire sign lol. Medication....bad, lol. Well, I'm on it. Couldn't sleep last night so took one to help me sleep.....KNOCKED ME OUT! Almost didnt wake up bc of it, lol. Now to take the other med, get ready for the day and see was Ricardo left me in the storage unit.

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