What is a pentagram? It is a five pointed start that is usually surrounded by a circle. Although it is really nothing more than just a symbol, it is often thought to represent Satan. The pentagram was not created to be a symbol of Satan, nor was it ever even intended to be a symbol of evil. The origins of the pentagram, its use in the Wicca religion, and its associations with Christianity and the freemasons all show that this is not a symbol of the devil, and is actually a symbol of good.
The specific origin of the pentagram is unknown, but all historical accounts of the pentagram do not mention Satan. The earliest use of the pentagram I have found was by Pythagoras. Pythagoras was an ancient Greek, who lived from 586-506 BC. Pythagoras started a school that taught mathematics, music, and religion and he was eventually driven underground because of his teachings. Pythagoras' followers used the pentagram symbol to identify themselves to each other, without their enemies knowing (NicMhach). The pentagram is also found in many other ancient cultures and countries such as China, Egypt , and the ancient Mayan culture of South America (Emick). Jennifer Emick states, "It has been found scratched on the walls of Neolithic caves and in Babylonian drawings, where it marks the pattern planet Venus makes on its travels." Ancient Sumerian texts have it marking directions and have it representing the five visible planets (Emick). The symbol is more widespread than most may think.
As widespread as the pentagram may be in the history of different countries, today it is widely used by the Wicca religion. Contrary to what some may think, the Wicca religion has no association with the devil. Wiccans do not acknowledge the existence of Satan and they have no all-evil deity out of their gods and goddesses (Robinson). Wiccans use the points of the pentagram to represent the five elements. The five elements are: air, fire, water, earth, and the spirit (HME Publishing). The top point of the pentagram usually represents the spirit and by putting a circle around the pentagram it usually represents the endless or eternity (Carroll). The Wicca religion is a gentle and nature based religion (Robinson). They believe that everything comes back on a person three times. According to this belief, if a person used the pentagram as a symbol of Satan or evil, it would come back on the three times worse (Wigington).
The pentagram is also found in Christian religion and in the freemason organizations. Satan is a part of Christian beliefs, but this is not where the association between the pentagram and Christianity is found. According to B.A. Robinson, the pentagram was widely used in the past by Christian as a protective amulet. Some Christians have also used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Christ (Emick), with the point representing his two wrist wounds, two ankle wounds, and his side wound (Robinson). The pentagram has also been used to symbolize the star which led the three kings to baby Jesus. There is also the organization the freemasons, in which almost all members are Christians, that use the pentagram. The freemasons associate the five point of the pentagram with the five points of fellowship (Robinson). Also, many of the founding fathers of the United States were freemasons, and if you look for the pentagram you can find it in several of the United States ' early iconography. Some examples of where the pentagram is found in the United States iconography are: on the American flag, the Great Seal, and on our currency (Emick). According to Jennifer Emick, "The pentagram is even found in our nation's capitol, where the White House sits at the apex of a giant pentagram."
The pentagram is far from being a symbol of the devil. In fact, the first time the pentagram, pointing downwards, was used with any negative meaning was by a nineteenth century scholar, Eliphas Levi. Satanists did not start using the pentagram until the mid twentieth century. About.com also says, "Even the oldest representations of black masses and other 'Satanic' activities contain no pentagrams." The origins of the pentagram, its use with the Wicca religion, and its association with Christianity and the freemasons, all show it to be a symbol of good and not a symbol of Satan or of evil (Emick). Do not assume people who are wearing a pentagram are bad, because they could be some of the nicest, non-evil, people you ever meet.
Work Cited
Carroll, Robert T. "Pentagram." The Skeptic's Dictionary.
http://skepdic.com/pentagram.htm (13 November 2007)
Emick, Jennifer. "Alternative Religions." About.com.
http://altreligion.about.com/library/weekly/aa100102a.htm (13 November 2007)
HME Publishing. "Symbol 29:14." Symbols.com.
http://www.symbols.com/encyclopedia/29/2914.html (13 November 2007)
NicMhach, Sharynne. "The Star of Life." Witches Voice.
http://www.wichvox.com/basics/pentacle.html (29 November 2007)
Robinson, B.A. "Wicca and other Neopagan Traditions, Pentacles and Pentagrams." Religious Tolerance.
http://www.religoustolerance.org/wic_pent.htm (13 November 2007)
Wigington, Pattie. "Paganism/Wiccan." About.com.
http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/wiccaandpaganismbasics/a/Rule_of_Three.htm (29 November 2007)
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